24 April 2010

Thursday, May 13 at 4:00 PM -- iCreate @ the Library Teen Art Contest

Teens! The iCreate @ the Library Teen Art Contest will be held May 13. We'll have first, second, and third-place prizes in three categories and display winning artwork in the Hugh Embry Library. The categories are : Traditional two-dimensional art (painting and drawing); three-dimensional art (includes collages and sculptures) and photography (includes photography enhanced by computer software; art created with software should not be submitted).  All submissions must be original. Limit three entries per teen. Good luck!

Who: Teens (grades 6-12 inclusive)
What: iCreate @ the Library Teen Art Contest 
When: Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 4:00 PM
(Submission deadline: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 8:00 PM)
Where: Hugh Embry Library
Questions? Call 352-567-3576

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Family Nutrition Program

Pasco County encourages residents to learn about good nutrition. The Pasco County Cooperative Extension, with the assistance of the Pasco County Library System, provides useful information about good nutrition through the Family Nutrition Program. Look for our display at Hugh Embry Branch Library.

For more information about the Family Nutrition Program, see the Pasco County Cooperative Extension's website.