05 August 2010

Tuesday, August 17 at 10:00 AM -- Email Basics

Learn how to set up a free email account, read and send email messages, and attach a picture (or any sort of file) to an email! This is a free class!

Who: Adults
What: Email Basics
When: Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Time: 10:00 AM
Where: Hugh Embry Library
Questions? Call 352-567-3576

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Family Nutrition Program

Pasco County encourages residents to learn about good nutrition. The Pasco County Cooperative Extension, with the assistance of the Pasco County Library System, provides useful information about good nutrition through the Family Nutrition Program. Look for our display at Hugh Embry Branch Library.

For more information about the Family Nutrition Program, see the Pasco County Cooperative Extension's website.