29 June 2010

Friday, July 2 at 3:00 PM -- Tweens' Summer Reading Club -- Ocean Waves

Tweens (grades 4-7), come out to the Hugh Embry Library for free Wii Water Sports! Have fun canoeing (it's harder than you think, but it's a blast!) wakeboarding, and more.  Keep reading books this summer -- and remember to tell us how you liked the books, at your own online Summer Reading Club account. We'll be happy to help you do this at the library, or you can do it at home. Read and review 6 books by July 31 and enjoy a party in August. (You can still join the Summer Reading Club; it's not too late!)

Who: Tweens (grades 4-7)
What: Ocean Waves: Wii Water Sports
When: Friday, July 2, 2010
Time: 3:00 PM
Where: Hugh Embry Library
Questions? Call 352-567-3576

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Family Nutrition Program

Pasco County encourages residents to learn about good nutrition. The Pasco County Cooperative Extension, with the assistance of the Pasco County Library System, provides useful information about good nutrition through the Family Nutrition Program. Look for our display at Hugh Embry Branch Library.

For more information about the Family Nutrition Program, see the Pasco County Cooperative Extension's website.